If this is your first time using our software, you might be wondering how it works. Here's a quick overview of the process: -Download and install the Acer Iconia 6120 Virtual Keyboard Installer. -Launch the program and follow the installation instructions. -Connect your tablet to your PC with a USB cable. -Locate an empty space on your desktop to store virtual keyboard files, or create one in Windows Explorer if necessary (this is where you'll find all of your keyboards once they are installed). Drag and drop any . KBD files you want to use onto the empty space. -To test your keyboards, simply tap on them in the virtual keyboard folder and then tap the tablet screen where you'd like to use it. You can also set them to launch upon startup by selecting Tools > Options > Add Shortcut > and then placing a checkmark next to your choice(s). Starting with Version 2.0: The virtual keyboard has been totally rewritten, and this results in a smoother, faster experience. The new design gives you access to more options for each keyboard, such as setting it as default (for launching when pressing F9) or assigning different options (for example, switching between different languages). You can also choose to turn on or off each keyboard's auto-hide feature. The new virtual keyboard supports the following languages: Deutsch, English (US), Español, Français, Italiano. Support for other languages is forthcoming. Using the Acer Iconia 6120 Virtual Keyboard Installer is as easy as 1-2-3: 1) Download and install the free Acer Iconia 6120 Virtual Keyboard Installer. 2) Launch the program and follow the installation instructions. 3) Connect your tablet to your PC with a USB cable. 4) Locate an empty space on your desktop to store virtual keyboard files, or create one in Windows Explorer if necessary (this is where you'll find all of your keyboards once they are installed). Drag and drop any .KBD files you want to use onto the empty space. To test your keyboards, simply tap on them in the virtual keyboard folder and then tap the tablet screen where you'd like to use it. You can also set them to launch upon startup by selecting Tools > Options > Add Shortcut > and then placing a checkmark next to your choice(s). Starting with Version 2. 0: -The virtual keyboard has been totally rewritten, and this results in a smoother, faster experience. The new design gives you access to more options for each keyboard, such as setting it as default (for launching when pressing F9) or assigning different options (for example, switching between different languages). You can also choose to turn on or off each keyboard's auto-hide feature. -The new virtual keyboard supports the following languages: Deutsch, English (US), Español, Français, Italiano. Support for other languages is forthcoming. Video Tutorial:https://www.dropbox. 8eeb4e9f32 22
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